The 11th International Conference on Orange Technology (ICOT 2023) will be held in Daegu, South Korea during December 5 ~ 7, 2023, organized by CREI Laboratory, Kyungpook National University. The conference will stimulate the establishment of Orange Technologies and bring together scientists, engineers, and other interdisciplinary professionals to share innovative ideas. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution inviting member countries to measure the happiness of their people and to use this to help guide their public policies. The first World Happiness Report was published by the United Nations in 2012, which reflects a new worldwide demand for more attention to happiness as the criterion for government policy. This also calls upon science and technology in both natural and social domains to be developed for promoting a happy and healthy lifestyle in our modern society.

Orange technology is a newly defined interdisciplinary research area for integration and innovation of health, happiness, and care technologies to address the needs. Orange Technology, together with Green Technology, forms the double helical structure of sustainable human development. Instead of emphasizing the relations between environments and humans, as proposed by green technology, the orange technology aims to discover the relationship between human development and happiness, and bring more health, happiness, warming care, and mental wellness to society. The research scope includes computer science, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, psychological/physiological science, cognitive science, social science, and technology (design + technology).